Muscara Chiropractic

Muscara Chiropractic

Chiropractors in Conshohocken, PA


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921 Fayette St,
Conshohocken , PA 19428 UNITED STATES

About Muscara Chiropractic

Established in 1986, Muscara Chiropractic believes in the holistic approach to health. To achieve health, a properly functioning nervous system is primary. Other factors needed to achieve health include moderate exercise, a proper diet, adequate hydration, sufficient rest, and finally correct posture to fight the negative effects of gravity. He believes you are what you eat, dehydration leads to many health issues, a strong core musculature along with specific spinal and postural exercises will lead to achieving ones true health. By providing chiropractic adjustments, vertebral subluxations are removed and the innate intelligence of the body, "the nervous system" is free of interference and allowed to function and achieve one's true health. Our services include sports injury care, workers compensation injury treatments, and auto accident injury treatments.


Muscara Chiropractic 610-834-8724
921 Fayette St,
Conshohocken , PA 19428 UNITED STATES
Muscara Chiropractic

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