Mr Tire Auto Service Centers

Mr Tire Auto Service Centers

Auto Repair in Annapolis, MD

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Parts and Accessories

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141 Defense Highway,
Annapolis , MD 21401 UNITED STATES

About Mr Tire Auto Service Centers

Mr Tire Auto Service Centers are your source in Annapolis, MD for the best deals on new tires, and complete automotive care for your car, truck or SUV. Plus, if you find a better deal, we will beat the competitors total price by 5%! While our name means tires, we offer a full range of automotive services such as oil changes, brake service and wheel alignments, to help you maintain your vehicle and protect your warranty.


Mr Tire Auto Service Centers 410-974-6477
141 Defense Highway,
Annapolis , MD 21401 UNITED STATES
Mr Tire Auto Service Centers 1.75

Based on 4 reviews

Mr Tire Auto Service Centers 410-974-6477
141 Defense Highway,
Annapolis , MD 21401 UNITED STATES
1 5


DO NOT GO THERE FOR YOUR SERVICE!!!! DO NOT!! I wanted to leave a 0 star but there is no such choice availabLe. A little while ago, I saw their commercial on TV for $19.99 oil change. I went this store and was told that was applicable...
posted at 12/22/10
Mr Tire Auto Service Centers 410-974-6477
141 Defense Highway,
Annapolis , MD 21401 UNITED STATES
4 5

I love these guys

The guys here have always been wonderful. They have given great explanations and offered less expensive alternatives to some costly repairs. I only get my oil changes here now. I can stop it and have the oil checked and they will add as...
posted at 11/10/10
Mr Tire Auto Service Centers 410-974-6477
141 Defense Highway,
Annapolis , MD 21401 UNITED STATES
1 5


THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE WORST PLACE EVER!!!! NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, GO HERE!!! They are the most unprofessional people you'll ever meet. They wasted 2 hours of my time telling all the things that were wrong with my car...air filter...
posted at 12/21/10
Mr Tire Auto Service Centers 410-974-6477
141 Defense Highway,
Annapolis , MD 21401 UNITED STATES
1 5


This was probably the worst place to get your oil changed EVER. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES TAKE YOUR CAR HERE! and I will tell you why--- I called them at 8:00 am to see if they could give me one of their oil change specials. They...
posted at 02/12/10

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Mr Tire Auto Service Centers
Auto Repair
1.8 (4 reviews)
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