Mid-Del Physical Therapy

Mid-Del Physical Therapy

Counseling & Mental Health in Oklahoma City, OK

Counseling & Mental Health

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2825 Epperly Dr,
Oklahoma City , OK 73115 UNITED STATES

About Mid-Del Physical Therapy

Mid-Del Physical therapy Clinic, Inc., provides therapy services to make patients feel better. The clinic specializes in the areas of back and SI pain, balance disorders, work-related injuries, and foot and ankle pain. It offers treatments such as kinesiotaping, orthotics evaluation and fitting, knee injury rehabilitation, shoulder rehabilitation. The clinic offers access to gym facilities for improving fitness levels. It supplies several products for therapy usage such as Kinesio Tex Gold FP-Beige, StimTrode, Elasto-Gel Hot&Cold Therapy Wrap, Biofreeze spray, roll-on and gel, and Warwick heel wedge. The clinic offers wheelchair accessible. It accepts payments through all major credit cards.


Mid-Del Physical Therapy 405-670-5569
2825 Epperly Dr,
Oklahoma City , OK 73115 UNITED STATES
Mid-Del Physical Therapy

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Mid-Del Physical Therapy
Counseling & Mental Health
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Mid-Del Physical Therapy

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