Meadow Creek Elementary School

Meadow Creek Elementary School

Education in Yucaipa, CA

Education Elementary Schools

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34450 Stonewood Dr.,
Yucaipa , CA 92399 UNITED STATES


Meadow Creek Elementary School 909-790-3207
34450 Stonewood Dr.,
Yucaipa , CA 92399 UNITED STATES
Meadow Creek Elementary School 2

Based on 1 reviews

Meadow Creek Elementary School 909-790-3207
34450 Stonewood Dr.,
Yucaipa , CA 92399 UNITED STATES
2 5


The staff here is very stuffy. I mean please it is not like it is Beverly Hills or something we are talking Yucaipa! They should take themselves a lot less seriously. I always felt like I was bothering the office staff when I had to visit for any reason.
posted at 04/18/06

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Meadow Creek Elementary School
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Meadow Creek Elementary School

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