MD Brake Supply

MD Brake Supply

Auto Repair in Los Angeles, CA

Auto Repair

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1467 S Westgate Ave.,
Los Angeles , CA 90025 UNITED STATES


MD Brake Supply 310-559-1134
1467 S Westgate Ave.,
Los Angeles , CA 90025 UNITED STATES
MD Brake Supply 4

Based on 9 reviews

MD Brake Supply 310-559-1134
1467 S Westgate Ave.,
Los Angeles , CA 90025 UNITED STATES
2 5

Beware of Mechanics

Brought my truck in to have the drive shaft replaced. The guys did quick work. I had it at a different mechanic, MAAX Transmission, for a week and they didn't do a thing with it, brought it to these guys and they had it done in a day and...
posted at 04/08/11
MD Brake Supply 310-559-1134
1467 S Westgate Ave.,
Los Angeles , CA 90025 UNITED STATES
5 5

Staying Power!

I have been going to M&D Brake for the last 20 years. Dale has always treated me kindly, and my car has survived for so long because Dale would always give me options to make my money go further. My 1995 Jeep Cherokee is still hanging in...
posted at 08/27/10
MD Brake Supply 310-559-1134
1467 S Westgate Ave.,
Los Angeles , CA 90025 UNITED STATES
5 5

Amazing Value + Fast and Good Work!

The time from when I called to inquire for a quote on my front&rear brakes to the time I got called to pick up my fixed car was than 4 hours. What's more? Dale quoted me the cheapest price I could find any where in town.

I was...
posted at 01/10/11
MD Brake Supply 310-559-1134
1467 S Westgate Ave.,
Los Angeles , CA 90025 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Value & Service

I was hoping to find a mechanic in LA that would provide me with fair prices and honest service...and I found that at M&D!! I immediately felt at ease leaving my car in the hands of a shop that has specialized in brakes for quite some...
posted at 12/25/10
MD Brake Supply 310-559-1134
1467 S Westgate Ave.,
Los Angeles , CA 90025 UNITED STATES
3 5

Good for Brakes

I went to get new Rotors and pads for my toyota camry. 125.00 for front new rotors
and brakes. 125.00 for just the back new brakes. He gave a great deal compared to other shops. So far my car runs pretty good with the new rotors and...
posted at 12/20/10
MD Brake Supply 310-559-1134
1467 S Westgate Ave.,
Los Angeles , CA 90025 UNITED STATES
1 5

horrible experience...worst ever...dishonest

Bottom line...I brought my car in RUNNING OK and had to have it TOWED OUT of a DIFFERENT shop that was supposedly affiliated with M D brake supply. He was a nice guy and maybe they are good with brakes BUT HE IS DEFINITELY NOT HONEST...
posted at 08/17/10
MD Brake Supply 310-559-1134
1467 S Westgate Ave.,
Los Angeles , CA 90025 UNITED STATES
5 5

Very satisfied!

I went to change my breaks today. I needed new rotors and pads. Dale was very nice and helpful. There are a few reasons why I am going there again next month for more repairs on my car and will recommend his services to all of my...
posted at 11/20/10
MD Brake Supply 310-559-1134
1467 S Westgate Ave.,
Los Angeles , CA 90025 UNITED STATES
5 5

My New Mechanic

My 1994 Lexus has needed rear pads for quite a while. When a friend at work recommend M & D, I decided to try them and was very pleased with the experience.

I did get lost trying to find them--National Blvd always confuses me., The...
posted at 10/15/10
MD Brake Supply 310-559-1134
1467 S Westgate Ave.,
Los Angeles , CA 90025 UNITED STATES
5 5

Very Honest

Took my car in on a Saturday to have the axial repaired. After waiting for a couple of hours Dale informed me that they didn't have the specific part in stock and that he would have to get the part on monday morning which didn't bother me...
posted at 10/27/10

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MD Brake Supply
Auto Repair
4.0 (9 reviews)
auto service,  radiator repair,  auto brakes auto body repairs
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