McKenzie Service Center

McKenzie Service Center

Auto Repair in Pittsburgh, PA

Auto Repair

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1705 Penn Ave.,
Pittsburgh , PA 15221 UNITED STATES


McKenzie Service Center 412-244-1645
1705 Penn Ave.,
Pittsburgh , PA 15221 UNITED STATES
McKenzie Service Center 5

Based on 1 reviews

McKenzie Service Center 412-244-1645
1705 Penn Ave.,
Pittsburgh , PA 15221 UNITED STATES
5 5

I have relied on the expertise and service of McKenzie Service Center for years. Thad, Dan, and Josh have diagnosed problems, given me options when possible, and worked to solve these problems in timely manner. Just the other day the four tires I ordered one day were delivered to McKenzie's and on my car within a day. The tires are providing me with a smooth, comfortable ride. I have found all personnel to be fair, professional, and very helpful. I highly recommend this garage.
posted at 07/30/12

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McKenzie Service Center
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
auto mechanic,  auto electrical
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McKenzie Service Center

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