McDougall Laundry & Cleaners

McDougall Laundry & Cleaners

Dry Cleaning & Laundry in San Antonio, TX

Dry Cleaning & Laundry

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4901 Broadway St, 170
San Antonio , TX 78209 UNITED STATES

About McDougall Laundry & Cleaners

If you’re looking for quality dry cleaning services in San Antonia, TX, then McDougall Laundry & Cleaners has you covered! As a 5th generation dry-cleaning business, we pride ourselves in our outstanding customer service and high-quality work. We understand that everyone has a busy life and needs services that are efficient, which is why we have a drive-thru drop off and pick-up, as well as one-day service upon request. We also offer wedding gown, duvet, and comforter cleaning. We are proud to offer 25% off for all active, retired, and veteran military as well. We accept clients via appointment and walk-in, so stop by today and see how McDougall Laundry & Cleaners can have you looking your best!


McDougall Laundry & Cleaners 210-822-3348
4901 Broadway St, 170
San Antonio , TX 78209 UNITED STATES
McDougall Laundry & Cleaners

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McDougall Laundry & Cleaners

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