McDonald Keith DMD Pllc

McDonald Keith DMD Pllc

Dentists in Renton, WA


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451 Duvall Ave Ne., 140
Renton , WA 98059 UNITED STATES


McDonald Keith DMD Pllc 425-228-5437
451 Duvall Ave Ne., 140
Renton , WA 98059 UNITED STATES
McDonald Keith DMD Pllc 5

Based on 1 reviews

McDonald Keith DMD Pllc 425-228-5437
451 Duvall Ave Ne., 140
Renton , WA 98059 UNITED STATES
5 5

I love this dentist office!

This dental office is absolutely the best! The dental hygenist had my son giggling and wanting to come back to have his teeth cleaned again. I can not recommend this office highly enough! They are just FANTASTIC!
posted at 03/07/11

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McDonald Keith DMD Pllc
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