Max Finkelstein Inc

Max Finkelstein Inc

Auto Parts and Accessories in South Windsor, CT

Auto Parts and Accessories Wholesalers

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555 Nutmeg Road North,
South Windsor , CT 06074 UNITED STATES

About Max Finkelstein Inc

For nearly a century, Max Finkelstein, Inc., a family-owned company, has existed for one simple purpose: to provide quality products and dependable service that will help our customers grow their businesses, profitably. We pride ourselves on unmatched inventory fill-rates and a customer-first approach. Our quality product assortments include consumer, commercial, farm, OTR, earthmover, trailer, lawn & garden, and specialty tire products. Throughout the many changes in our industry over the last 100 years, the Max Finkelstein philosophy has remained the same. Our dedication to customers, along with consistency, loyalty and superior customer service, continues to drive the success of our company and our customers.


Max Finkelstein Inc 800-229-8900
555 Nutmeg Road North,
South Windsor , CT 06074 UNITED STATES
Max Finkelstein Inc

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Max Finkelstein Inc
Auto Parts and Accessories
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Max Finkelstein Inc

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