Marsh Transmission

Marsh Transmission

Auto Repair in Tualatin, OR

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What we offer

  • Automatic Transmission Repair
  • Manual Transmission Repair
  • Foreign And Domestic Cars
  • Differential Repairs
  • Efficient Transfer Case Repairs.


8810 SW Old Tualatin-Sherwood Rd, Ste A
Tualatin , OR 97062 UNITED STATES

About Marsh Transmission

Your One-Stop Shop for Transmissions
We are proud to be a family-owned business. Our goal is to get you safely back on the road while avoiding unnecessary repairs to help save your hard-earned money. You will not get better quality at any price!


Marsh Transmission


Marsh Transmission 503-885-8852
8810 SW Old Tualatin-Sherwood Rd, Ste A
Tualatin , OR 97062 UNITED STATES
Marsh Transmission 4

Based on 4 reviews

Marsh Transmission 503-885-8852
8810 SW Old Tualatin-Sherwood Rd, Ste A
Tualatin , OR 97062 UNITED STATES
5 5

Honest Business

I took my 1999 Passat to another mechanic to fix a problem. When the mechanic was done, the transmission went into safe mode. I was referred to the Marsh guys, and when I took it to them they reset the transmission module and didn't...
posted at 10/20/10
Marsh Transmission 503-885-8852
8810 SW Old Tualatin-Sherwood Rd, Ste A
Tualatin , OR 97062 UNITED STATES
1 5

wont ever think of goin back there

I will never go back to them cause they dont keep to there word an warranty even at the bottom of there paper work says they warranty on parts for 24 months or 24,000 miles whichever comes first .. But they still wont warranty it so i am...
posted at 02/14/11
Marsh Transmission 503-885-8852
8810 SW Old Tualatin-Sherwood Rd, Ste A
Tualatin , OR 97062 UNITED STATES
5 5

Treated me like family...

Shop took great care of me and my special needs. Joey at the front desk really engaged my issues and treated me with decency. Has been my only shop for the past few years, competitvely priced, always leave feeling that all my problems...
posted at 01/13/10
Marsh Transmission 503-885-8852
8810 SW Old Tualatin-Sherwood Rd, Ste A
Tualatin , OR 97062 UNITED STATES
5 5

Transmission repairs done with "integrity"

Marsh Transmission, Tualatin rates 5 Stars from me! I have taken both my Ford Pickup and Honda to them for repairs for several years. Both Joey at the front desk and John in the technical area have gained my highest respect for...
posted at 10/27/10

Detail information

Company name
Marsh Transmission
Auto Repair
4.0 (4 reviews)
Year Established
differential,  differential repairs,  efficient transfer case transmission
Claimed by

Marsh Transmission

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