Stay Well Chiropractic Pasadena: Ted Marriott, DC

Stay Well Chiropractic Pasadena: Ted Marriott, DC

Chiropractors in Pasadena, CA


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600 South Lake Ave, Suite 204
Pasadena , CA 91106 UNITED STATES

About Stay Well Chiropractic Pasadena: Ted Marriott, DC

With over 25 years of experience, Dr. Ted Marriott is a master at chiropractic care. He is highly trained in the Activator method, a chiropractic technique which is a popular instrumental chiropractic method known for being effective and extremely gentle.

Dr. Ted focuses on finding the source of the problem, fixing it and providing education on how to stay well. He specializes in relief of back pain, neck pain, headaches, and extremities (joints of the arms and legs) and is an expert in treating car accident injuries and whiplash. Senior citizens use his chiropractic services because the activator method is gentle and is covered by Medicare. Trust Dr.Ted Marriott to gently reduce and /or eliminate your pain.

Our goal is to help you Get Well and Stay Well.


Stay Well Chiropractic Pasadena: Ted Marriott, DC 626-808-1515
600 South Lake Ave, Suite 204
Pasadena , CA 91106 UNITED STATES
Stay Well Chiropractic Pasadena: Ted Marriott, DC

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Stay Well Chiropractic Pasadena: Ted Marriott, DC

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