Mansell & Mansell APC

Mansell & Mansell APC

Lawyers and Law Firms in Los Angeles, CA

Lawyers and Law Firms

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1645 Vine Street #306,
Los Angeles , CA 90028 UNITED STATES

About Mansell & Mansell APC

Mansell and Mansell is a Los Angeles based law firm specializing in representing injury victims against insurance companies and large corporations. When faced with a serious personal injury, individuals need strong representation to properly present a claim against the powerful companies. Mansell & Mansell have the experience and reputation to obtain maximum value in settlement, and the ability and expertise to litigate the case through trial if the company refuses to pay a full and fair settlement.


Mansell & Mansell APC 323-466-4900
1645 Vine Street #306,
Los Angeles , CA 90028 UNITED STATES
Mansell & Mansell APC

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