M & M Tire Center

M & M Tire Center

Auto Repair in Temecula, CA

Auto Repair Tires Wholesalers

Contact us


41670 Winchester Rd.,
Temecula , CA 92590 UNITED STATES


M & M Tire Center 951-296-1330
41670 Winchester Rd.,
Temecula , CA 92590 UNITED STATES
M & M Tire Center 4.3333333333333

Based on 3 reviews

M & M Tire Center 951-296-1330
41670 Winchester Rd.,
Temecula , CA 92590 UNITED STATES
4 5

Excellent Customer Service

My vehicle failed smog last summer. I needed it to pass smog to get new registration. I took it to M&M to get it diagnosed, and i am sure glad i did! Not only did M&M get my car to pass smog, it runs like i just bought it from the dealer....
posted at 02/23/11
M & M Tire Center 951-296-1330
41670 Winchester Rd.,
Temecula , CA 92590 UNITED STATES
4 5

Helped Me Very Much

Eric did a real good job letting me know things that needed to be done to fix my truck. I did'nt have all the money to fix it. But he was able to help get me by, until I can come back again. And I will come back with my turck, and my...
posted at 02/18/11
M & M Tire Center 951-296-1330
41670 Winchester Rd.,
Temecula , CA 92590 UNITED STATES
5 5

Helped Me Out A Lot

Eric did a real good job letting me know things that needed to be done to fix my truck. I did'nt have all the money to fix it. But he was able to help get me by, until I can come back again. And I will come back with my turck, and my...
posted at 02/18/11

Detail information

Company name
M & M Tire Center
Auto Repair
4.3 (3 reviews)
engine repair,  car mechanic,  auto electrical car fixing
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