Lynnwood Bowling Lanes

Lynnwood Bowling Lanes

Bowling in Lynnwood, WA


Contact us


6210 200th St Sw.,
Lynnwood , WA 98036 UNITED STATES


Lynnwood Bowling Lanes 425-778-8738
6210 200th St Sw.,
Lynnwood , WA 98036 UNITED STATES
Lynnwood Bowling Lanes 4

Based on 2 reviews

Lynnwood Bowling Lanes 425-778-8738
6210 200th St Sw.,
Lynnwood , WA 98036 UNITED STATES
4 5

Good old fashioned fun - Skate fever!

This skating rink is a great place to go if you want to have a birthday party, skate off some steam, speed around at Adult skate night during the week, or have a lesson or five!

Do come here for the music, the instructors, and the super...
posted at 06/09/10
Lynnwood Bowling Lanes 425-778-8738
6210 200th St Sw.,
Lynnwood , WA 98036 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great party location.

This another great location to bring kids to, but its also fun for adults. Both bowling and skating are under one roof making it the perfect party spot. Bowl for an hour, then skate for an hour, have pizza sometime in between. There are...
posted at 06/07/10

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Lynnwood Bowling Lanes
4.0 (2 reviews)
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Lynnwood Bowling Lanes

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