Lookout Mountain Elementary School

Lookout Mountain Elementary School

Education in Chattanooga, TN

Education Elementary Schools

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321 Bragg St,
Chattanooga , TN 37406 UNITED STATES


Lookout Mountain Elementary School 423-821-6116
321 Bragg St,
Chattanooga , TN 37406 UNITED STATES
Lookout Mountain Elementary School 4

Based on 1 reviews

Lookout Mountain Elementary School 423-821-6116
321 Bragg St,
Chattanooga , TN 37406 UNITED STATES
4 5

High achievement scores

This is a beautiful old school that stresses academics as it feeds into competitive prep schools. As a graduate and a recent parent, the school greatly benefits from the community support and is a somewhat rare example of a true neighborhood school.
posted at 10/16/07

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Lookout Mountain Elementary School
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Lookout Mountain Elementary School

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