Little Darlings Childcare Incorporated

Little Darlings Childcare Incorporated

Local Services in East Bend, NC

Local Services Child Care and Day Care Centers

Contact us


6617 E Old Us 421 Hwy.,
East Bend , NC 27018 UNITED STATES


Little Darlings Childcare Incorporated 336-699-4381
6617 E Old Us 421 Hwy.,
East Bend , NC 27018 UNITED STATES
Little Darlings Childcare Incorporated 4.6666666666667

Based on 3 reviews

Little Darlings Childcare Incorporated 336-699-4381
6617 E Old Us 421 Hwy.,
East Bend , NC 27018 UNITED STATES
5 5

Excellent Daycare!!

I have a 13 month old and a 4 year old at Little Darlings and I couldn't be HAPPIER!! It's out of my way to take my 2 there but you know what I go to work everyday KNOWING my kids are LOVED and VERY WELL TAKING CARE OF!!!! And kids are...
posted at 07/28/10
Little Darlings Childcare Incorporated 336-699-4381
6617 E Old Us 421 Hwy.,
East Bend , NC 27018 UNITED STATES
4 5

The children are so loved!

My son has been enrolled at Little Darlings for about a year in a half. He began at 6 months of age. We have been very happy with our experience at Little Darlings. His teachers have been very receptive and quick to respond to any...
posted at 07/21/10
Little Darlings Childcare Incorporated 336-699-4381
6617 E Old Us 421 Hwy.,
East Bend , NC 27018 UNITED STATES
5 5

former employee

I am a former employee of Little Darlings Childcare and this is a VERY good childcare center. The children that are enrolled in this childcare center are treated with the upmost respect as well as their parents. I had been employed there...
posted at 09/09/10

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Company name
Little Darlings Childcare Incorporated
Local Services
4.7 (3 reviews)
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Little Darlings Childcare Incorporated

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