Lily Pad Daycare

Lily Pad Daycare

Local Services in Heyworth, IL

Local Services Child Care and Day Care Centers

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208 S Buchanan St,
Heyworth , IL 61745 UNITED STATES


Lily Pad Daycare 309-473-3252
208 S Buchanan St,
Heyworth , IL 61745 UNITED STATES
Lily Pad Daycare 1

Based on 1 reviews

Lily Pad Daycare 309-473-3252
208 S Buchanan St,
Heyworth , IL 61745 UNITED STATES
1 5

0 stars. Janet L Maurer has Class X Felony charges and has been charged with aggravated battery of a child.
posted at 11/11/16

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Lily Pad Daycare
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Lily Pad Daycare

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