Leals Auto Repair Auto Sales

Leals Auto Repair Auto Sales

Automotive in San Antonio, TX

Automotive Auto Dealers Auto Repair

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310 Blanco Rd.,
San Antonio , TX 78212 UNITED STATES


Leals Auto Repair Auto Sales 210-736-2232
310 Blanco Rd.,
San Antonio , TX 78212 UNITED STATES
Leals Auto Repair Auto Sales 1

Based on 1 reviews

Leals Auto Repair Auto Sales 210-736-2232
310 Blanco Rd.,
San Antonio , TX 78212 UNITED STATES
1 5

WARNING!!! Avoid at any cost this shop. Don't let them convince you by the cheap prices because you will pay dearly. My experience was terrible. I had an engine rebuilt for what I was promised "an expert mechanic". Three months after the promised delivery date I received a vehicle with an engine that lacked power, consumed enormous amount of oil, overheated, and rattled. After breaking for the second time the mechanic blamed the catalytic converter. In desperation I took it to the dealer, just to find out that in fact the catalytic converter was clogged but due to all the oil that the engine is passing. Also, the manifold was cracked due to all the explosions the engine was producing. The dealer mechanic did not want to diagnose the engine any further because the cost would be to high. In his expert opinion, the engine was rebuilt with more than one mistake in the process. Trying to find the problem would require to completely dissemble the engine and start from scratch. I threaten the owner with a suit but he laughed saying that nothing could be done to him as long as he didn't refuse to fix it. Of course my vehicle spent four additional months in his garage partially disassembled and abandoned until I gave up. I end up buying a refurbished engine and taking it to a real mechanic.
posted at 07/28/15

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Leals Auto Repair Auto Sales
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auto tune up,  auto painting
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