Lazar Law

Lazar Law

Lawyers and Law Firms in Austin, TX

Lawyers and Law Firms

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305 Camp Craft Road, Suite 500
Austin , TX 78746 UNITED STATES

About Lazar Law

Jodi Lazar and Alyson Falk practice family law exclusively in Austin and surrounding areas and represent clients in both the traditional litigation and collaborative law models, depending on our client’s needs. As a firm, we are passionate and fiercely aggressive on your behalf. Our team does the work necessary to put you in the best position to meet your goals. We are on your side, and we are committed to providing you with a relationship that you can count on and the right plan to get you what you want.


Lazar Law 512-477-1600
305 Camp Craft Road, Suite 500
Austin , TX 78746 UNITED STATES
Lazar Law 5

Based on 1 reviews

Lazar Law 512-477-1600
305 Camp Craft Road, Suite 500
Austin , TX 78746 UNITED STATES
5 5

Lazar Jodi R

Jodi is helpful and patient. Jodi is quick on her toes, especially in court. Very helpful in family law matters. Thanks, Jodi!
posted at 01/07/10

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