Lawyers and Law Firms in Chicago, IL
Lawyers and Law Firms
53 West Jackson Blvd.,
Suite 1515
Chicago ,
Making the Most of Your Defense Options in Illinois Criminal Cases
State and federal prosecutors like to work from a position of strength, and they don’t hesitate to use their access to almost unlimited resources to obtain convictions. The job of a criminal defense lawyer is to attack a prosecutor’s confidence in the strength of the case. That’s what opens the door to dismissal, favorable plea agreements and victories at trial. At the Law Office of Robert Kerr, LLC, our Chicago criminal defense lawyers work hard to attack the strength of the government’s case against our client. We do this through intensive investigation, superior legal analysis, smart use of pretrial motions and other procedural tactics that can shift the balance in your favor. Our Chicago criminal attorneys represent clients on felony and misdemeanor charges ranging from shoplifting, Illinois DUI-drunk driving, drug crimes, sex crimes to homicide, drug possession / sale / trafficking, or child pornography. No matter how serious your case is, you can count on our law firm for personal service, timely information and accurate advice about the best ways to protect your interests. An important strength of our practice involves our familiarity with the diversion options and treatment programs that can often keep your case out of the criminal justice system. Even when the original charges expose you to a significant risk of punishment, our attorneys can find many ways to resolve your case through any of the many options available in Illinois, including drug court, drug school, theft school, supervision, special probation, and other alternatives to conviction or incarceration. Many of these options will keep your case eligible for expungement, and we can advise you about their availability in your situation. In every case we handle, we work toward building and presenting the most effective defense possible under the circumstances of your case.
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