Local Services in Los Angeles, CA
Local Services • Dry Cleaning & Laundry
7095 Hollywood Blvd.,
Los Angeles ,
Based on 2 reviews
You're better off washing your clothes in a river.
I have been using this dry cleaner for 18 months. They charge more than most cleaners, and their work is really about the same as others. Then I ran into a problem: they laundered a very expensive dress shirt that I explicitly wanted dry cleaned. The results were unfortunate. Their laundry took all of the brilliance and life out of that shirt: the color has been dulled and all I got from them were excuses. I demanded that they dry clean it (because it was covered with light colored lint from other shirts, I suspect), and when I went in to pick it up, I continued to receive a litany of excuses about how "the plant made a mistake," and I know better. Then when I was reaching for the shirt, I was indignantly told that "I hope that this is good for you and that you stop complaining." I about fell over when I heard that. When I threatened that if the shirt wasn't up to my partner's liking, that the cleaner may be asked to replace it, further indignation. For the most part, the shop refused to acknowlegde that it was responsible. I would never go back to this place with clothing that I cared about.Not Good!
They ruined my purse and made me pay for it anyways. Thanks Connie!Worldwide > United States > Los Angeles, CA > Local Services