Kumon Bloomfield Hills Montessori

Kumon Bloomfield Hills Montessori

Education in Sterling Heights, MI

Education Tutoring & Test Prep Private Schools

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2436 W Lincoln.,
Sterling Heights , MI 48310 UNITED STATES


Kumon Bloomfield Hills Montessori 248-457-0640
2436 W Lincoln.,
Sterling Heights , MI 48310 UNITED STATES
Kumon Bloomfield Hills Montessori 5

Based on 1 reviews

Kumon Bloomfield Hills Montessori 248-457-0640
2436 W Lincoln.,
Sterling Heights , MI 48310 UNITED STATES
5 5

Troy East Kumon Center

Love the center! It is spacious and child oriented environment and staffs are professional. Well organized and it shows that Mrs. Kwon has 20 years of experience in running her center!
posted at 08/18/10

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Kumon Bloomfield Hills Montessori
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Kumon Bloomfield Hills Montessori

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