Kraff Eye Institute

Kraff Eye Institute

Eye doctors & Optometrists in Chicago, IL

Eye doctors & Optometrists

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25 E Washington St #606,
Chicago , IL 60602 UNITED STATES

About Kraff Eye Institute

The Kraff Eye Institute is a team of experts in ophthalmology & laser vision correction surgery. Located in Chicago, the institute offers diagnostic services for a variety of eye diseases, as well as LASIK & PRK surgery, lipiflow & corneal cross-linking procedures, cataract & glaucoma treatment. Dr. Colman Kraff, one of the best LASIK doctors in Chicago, has played a vital role in the development of LASER eye surgery being the first to perform: Laser Vision Correction procedure in Chicago as part of the original FDA trial in 1991, Laser Vision Correction procedure in Chicago post FDA approval, farsighted procedure in the USA on the Visx Laser, Wavefront guided treatment and iDesign treatment in the US.


Kraff Eye Institute 312-444-1111
25 E Washington St #606,
Chicago , IL 60602 UNITED STATES
Kraff Eye Institute

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Kraff Eye Institute
Eye doctors & Optometrists
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Kraff Eye Institute

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