Shopping in Maplewood, NJ
1914 Springfield Ave,
Maplewood ,
Are you a knitting aficionado? Or maybe you’ve started learning about crochet? If you’re ever
in the Maplewood area, make sure to stop by Knitknack. They are a store that specializes in
beginner knitting, and they can take care of all your needs for knitting and crochet supplies.
With their years of experience in providing the right yarn and other knitting supplies to their
customers, you can rest assured you’re in good hands. They pride themselves in helping
customers make the right choices when it comes to knitting patterns or knitting needles.
Their products include but are not limited to wool and curlicues, yarn, knitting circles, and a
variety of other supplies for knitting and crochet. Customers swear by their products, and how
knowledgeable their staff is. All their staff members can answer all your questions about knitting
and crochet, and can help you get started if you’d like to take up crochet or knitting. They
would love to assist you in picking out supplies. For more information about their products and
services, you can give them a call.
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