King O'Rourke Buick GMC

King O'Rourke Buick GMC

Auto Dealers in Smithtown, NY

Auto Dealers

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756 Smithtown Byp,
Smithtown , NY 11787 UNITED STATES

About King O'Rourke Buick GMC

King O'Rourke Buick GMC in Smithtown, NY is a Cadillac, Buick and GMC dealer. King O'Rourke Buick GMC offers new and used cars, parts and service, financing and more.


King O'Rourke Buick GMC 631-482-7312
756 Smithtown Byp,
Smithtown , NY 11787 UNITED STATES
King O'Rourke Buick GMC 2.5

Based on 2 reviews

King O'Rourke Buick GMC 631-482-7312
756 Smithtown Byp,
Smithtown , NY 11787 UNITED STATES
4 5


I spent 80 grand on a Escalade & the front bumper was loose. The car was never hit or damaged but they refused to cover it under warrantee saying I must have drove in a puddle or snow. No one told me this is a fair weather truck. I will...
posted at 07/31/10
King O'Rourke Buick GMC 631-482-7312
756 Smithtown Byp,
Smithtown , NY 11787 UNITED STATES
1 5


I spent 80 grand on a Escalade & the front bumper was loose. The car was never hit or damaged but they refused to cover it under warrantee saying I must have drove in a puddle or snow. No one told me this is a fair weather truck. I will...
posted at 07/30/10

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King O'Rourke Buick GMC
Auto Dealers
2.5 (2 reviews)
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King O'Rourke Buick GMC

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