Kentuckiana Pediatric Dentistry

Kentuckiana Pediatric Dentistry

Dentists in Mt. Washington, KY


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211 High Point Ct, #500,
Mt. Washington , KY 40047 UNITED STATES

About Kentuckiana Pediatric Dentistry

At Kentuckiana Pediatric Dentistry we treat all our patients like royalty. We know that a lifetime of healthy smiles begins with a baby's first tooth. Our kid-friendly practice is built on a love for children and a desire for them to be comfortable with dentistry. It is our goal for our patients to receive the highest quality of care in a positive environment and to provide dental education for the entire family! Ultimately, creating healthy and beautiful smiles for all.


Kentuckiana Pediatric Dentistry 502-538-2400
211 High Point Ct, #500,
Mt. Washington , KY 40047 UNITED STATES
Kentuckiana Pediatric Dentistry

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Kentuckiana Pediatric Dentistry

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