Kenmore Cleaners

Kenmore Cleaners

Local Services in Kenmore, WA

Local Services Dry Cleaning & Laundry

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6828 Ne Bothell Way.,
Kenmore , WA 98028 UNITED STATES


Kenmore Cleaners 425-486-4371
6828 Ne Bothell Way.,
Kenmore , WA 98028 UNITED STATES
Kenmore Cleaners 1

Based on 1 reviews

Kenmore Cleaners 425-486-4371
6828 Ne Bothell Way.,
Kenmore , WA 98028 UNITED STATES
1 5

Do NOT use them, your clothes will be ruined or lost!

Ruined my $200 coat by losing the belt, but the worst part is they accused me of losing it, yelled at me and still made me pay for it! They were so rude I couldn't believe it. I specifically told the man when I dropped the coat off,...
posted at 04/14/11

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Kenmore Cleaners
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