Jones Heating & Air

Jones Heating & Air

Contractors in Charlottesville, VA


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633 Rose Hill,
Charlottesville , VA 22903 UNITED STATES

About Jones Heating & Air

Established in 2004, Mr. Jamie Jones became known for his great workmanship in repairs, maintenance and installation of hvac equipment. Most importantly, he is known for his trustworthiness, affordable, and quality service. He has consistently grown over the years and now employs well trained, qualified Service Technicians and Installers.

Jones Heating & Air takes great pride in our work and strives to repair and maintain your system first, before replacement. Our goal is to obtain customers that we can build lifelong business relationships with. We want our customers to know we care about their well-being and comfort. We give them comfort in knowing their diagnosis is correct and the repair cost is fair.


Jones Heating & Air 434-975-3617
633 Rose Hill,
Charlottesville , VA 22903 UNITED STATES
Jones Heating & Air

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