Johnson Country Smoked Meats

Johnson Country Smoked Meats

Restaurants in Dunlap, TN


Contact us


Hgwy 28,
Dunlap , TN 37327 UNITED STATES


Johnson Country Smoked Meats 423-949-5966
Hgwy 28,
Dunlap , TN 37327 UNITED STATES
Johnson Country Smoked Meats 1

Based on 1 reviews

Johnson Country Smoked Meats 423-949-5966
Hgwy 28,
Dunlap , TN 37327 UNITED STATES
1 5

Did not like this one

some of the family called in orders of bar b q and it was not good

do the owners usually right there own reveiws?
posted at 01/27/10

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Johnson Country Smoked Meats
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Johnson Country Smoked Meats

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