Joga Chiropractic Center

Joga Chiropractic Center

Chiropractors in Los Angeles, CA


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8929 South Sepulveda, Ste. 100
Los Angeles , CA 90045 UNITED STATES

About Joga Chiropractic Center

We serve patients from all over Westchester, Marina del Rey, El Segundo, Venice, Culver City, Brentwood and Pacific Palisades, providing highly-skilled, compassionate chiropractic care that seeks to solve the root reasons behind a person's pain, not just cover up symptoms with medication. Chiropractor Dr. Joga is highly-trained in several different spinal adjusting techniques that realign the spine into a healthy curvature so that the whole nervous system can work as nature intended. This often leads to significant, lasting relief from back, neck and extremity pain, headaches, and many other painful ailments.


Joga Chiropractic Center 424-800-2488
8929 South Sepulveda, Ste. 100
Los Angeles , CA 90045 UNITED STATES
Joga Chiropractic Center

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