Jims Automotive Performance Center Incorporated

Jims Automotive Performance Center Incorporated

Auto Repair in Redmond, WA

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories Wholesalers

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17825 Ne 65th St.,
Redmond , WA 98052 UNITED STATES


Jims Automotive Performance Center Incorporated 425-885-6609
17825 Ne 65th St.,
Redmond , WA 98052 UNITED STATES
Jims Automotive Performance Center Incorporated 5

Based on 1 reviews

Jims Automotive Performance Center Incorporated 425-885-6609
17825 Ne 65th St.,
Redmond , WA 98052 UNITED STATES
5 5

Absolutely Amazing

I can't explain in words how much I appreciate Jim's work and honesty. Over the past two or so years that I have been taking my car to Jim, I can safely estimate that He has saved me $2000 that the va...
posted at 05/07/10

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Jims Automotive Performance Center Incorporated
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