Jeon Moo S

Jeon Moo S

Veterinarians in Philadelphia, PA


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6843 Germantown Ave.,
Philadelphia , PA 19119 UNITED STATES


Jeon Moo S 215-843-6282
6843 Germantown Ave.,
Philadelphia , PA 19119 UNITED STATES
Jeon Moo S 1

Based on 1 reviews

Jeon Moo S 215-843-6282
6843 Germantown Ave.,
Philadelphia , PA 19119 UNITED STATES
1 5

Don't go there!!!

Irresponsible and dangerous. They misdisagnosed my cat with a furrball; he kept getting worse, and died the next day. The ER where I took him said he had a urinary tract infection, pneumonia, and a liver infection, none of which Dr....
posted at 04/15/10

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Jeon Moo S
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