Jarrett Tony Attorney

Jarrett Tony Attorney

Professional Services in Denver, CO

Professional Services Lawyers and Law Firms Law and Courts

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1777 S Harrison St.,
Denver , CO 80210 UNITED STATES


Jarrett Tony Attorney 303-863-0777
1777 S Harrison St.,
Denver , CO 80210 UNITED STATES
Jarrett Tony Attorney 3

Based on 2 reviews

Jarrett Tony Attorney 303-863-0777
1777 S Harrison St.,
Denver , CO 80210 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best family lawyer you'll find!

My only regret about being represented by Tony Jarrett is that I didn't find him two years ago when my child custody and support case started! In two weeks, he set my mind more at ease and got more accomplished than the attorney I had...
posted at 05/27/10
Jarrett Tony Attorney 303-863-0777
1777 S Harrison St.,
Denver , CO 80210 UNITED STATES
1 5

Bad mistake that is costly

I think he pick and choose who he really want to help out as a client and take all your money worth if you are the unlucky. He missed his appointment with me many times and claim that I was in the wrong even if I EMAIL the date, time and...
posted at 11/29/10

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