Jack in the Box

Jack in the Box

Restaurants in Houston, TX

Restaurants Fast Food Restaurants American Restaurants

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18003 El Camino Real.,
Houston , TX 77058 UNITED STATES


Jack in the Box 281-486-5822
18003 El Camino Real.,
Houston , TX 77058 UNITED STATES
Jack in the Box 1

Based on 1 reviews

Jack in the Box 281-486-5822
18003 El Camino Real.,
Houston , TX 77058 UNITED STATES
1 5

Jack has left the BOX

This was one of the old style little cube Jack in the Box restaurants with a microscopic dining area. It has closed now and is on its way to becoming something else.

Where are all of the local junk food joints goin'?
posted at 08/04/10

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Jack in the Box
1.0 (1 reviews)
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Jack in the Box

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