Hunt, L Allison MD

Hunt, L Allison MD

Doctors in Taylors, SC


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3551 -A Rutherford Rd,
Taylors , SC 29687 UNITED STATES


Hunt, L Allison MD 864-268-2333
3551 -A Rutherford Rd,
Taylors , SC 29687 UNITED STATES
Hunt, L Allison MD 4

Based on 1 reviews

Hunt, L Allison MD 864-268-2333
3551 -A Rutherford Rd,
Taylors , SC 29687 UNITED STATES
4 5

Worst experience / unprofessional

She walked into the room, heard that I had multiple issues / questions, and then immediately walked out saying she didn't have time for a patient with any questions. She said that she didn't have expertise in treating my problems (before...
posted at 01/07/11

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