House of Tutors Learning Ctrs. USA Inc.

House of Tutors Learning Ctrs. USA Inc.

Education in Austin, TX

Education Tutoring & Test Prep

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2400 Pearl St.,
Austin , TX 78705 UNITED STATES


House of Tutors Learning Ctrs. USA Inc. 512-472-6666
2400 Pearl St.,
Austin , TX 78705 UNITED STATES
House of Tutors Learning Ctrs. USA Inc. 5

Based on 2 reviews

House of Tutors Learning Ctrs. USA Inc. 512-472-6666
2400 Pearl St.,
Austin , TX 78705 UNITED STATES
5 5

Better than Kaplan, at a better price

I attended a LSAT program with House of Tutors and saw a huge improvement in my test score before and after the course. I continued to study the material provided, and when I took the actual test, I received higher than my target score,...
posted at 05/21/10
House of Tutors Learning Ctrs. USA Inc. 512-472-6666
2400 Pearl St.,
Austin , TX 78705 UNITED STATES
5 5

Fantastic Tutoring

There are very knowledgeable tutors available at all times, even on weekends. The staff is friendly and helpful, and the location is convenient
posted at 03/15/10

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House of Tutors Learning Ctrs. USA Inc.
5.0 (2 reviews)
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House of Tutors Learning Ctrs. USA Inc.

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