Hastings Beauty School

Hastings Beauty School

Specialty Schools in Hastings, MN

Specialty Schools

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2212 St E.,
Hastings , MN 55033 UNITED STATES


Hastings Beauty School 651-437-1225
2212 St E.,
Hastings , MN 55033 UNITED STATES
Hastings Beauty School 3

Based on 1 reviews

Hastings Beauty School 651-437-1225
2212 St E.,
Hastings , MN 55033 UNITED STATES
3 5

Think Twice

Unfortunately we found that this establishment has really went downhill in the past few years.

PROS: Convenient, Students are pretty friendly
CONS: Some unprofessional employees
posted at 09/03/05

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Company name
Hastings Beauty School
Specialty Schools
3.0 (1 reviews)
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Hastings Beauty School

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