Law Offices of Hans R Hailey

Law Offices of Hans R Hailey

Lawyers and Law Firms in Boston, MA

Lawyers and Law Firms

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225 Friend St, Ste 505,
Boston , MA 02114 UNITED STATES

About Law Offices of Hans R Hailey

When you are in need of an experienced lawyer in the areas of family law and personal injury claims, look no further than The Law Offices of Hans R. Hailey. Our personalized representation takes your case from being a number to a name and face. We always deliver personal service to meet the needs of your unique situation. Our philosophy is three-fold: provide the best service, achieve the best result possible, and work in the most economic and efficient manner appropriate for the client.


Law Offices of Hans R Hailey 617-723-4010
225 Friend St, Ste 505,
Boston , MA 02114 UNITED STATES
Law Offices of Hans R Hailey

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