Greenhills Medical Centers

Greenhills Medical Centers

Health and Medical in Nashville, TN

Health and Medical Hospitals and Medical Centers

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2001 Glen Echo Rd.,
Nashville , TN 37215 UNITED STATES


Greenhills Medical Centers 615-292-0012
2001 Glen Echo Rd.,
Nashville , TN 37215 UNITED STATES
Greenhills Medical Centers 5

Based on 3 reviews

Greenhills Medical Centers 615-292-0012
2001 Glen Echo Rd.,
Nashville , TN 37215 UNITED STATES
5 5

Dr Yarbrough has created a healing environment

I went to the clinic because I was feeling awful and my primary care physician's office transferred me around and then sent me to voicemail. I called back to learn that since I had not been to the office in 3 years (I am never sick) that...
posted at 02/03/11
Greenhills Medical Centers 615-292-0012
2001 Glen Echo Rd.,
Nashville , TN 37215 UNITED STATES
5 5

Nashville's Best Medical Clinic

Green Hills Clinic and Dr. Yarbrough helped save my life! My regular family doctor was out of the country and I delayed going to a clinic even though I had some serious internal bleeding. Finally, I went to the Green Hills Clinic where...
posted at 10/29/10
Greenhills Medical Centers 615-292-0012
2001 Glen Echo Rd.,
Nashville , TN 37215 UNITED STATES
5 5

Immediately, and correctly, diagnosed a very serious issue

I typically put off seeing a doctor as long as possible?

Went to Green Hills Clinic on the way into work one day after I couldn?t stand being sick any longer, thinking I had a bad cold or maybe the flu, hoping for a quick shot or some...
posted at 11/23/10

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Greenhills Medical Centers
Health and Medical
5.0 (3 reviews)
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