Green Leafs

Green Leafs

Restaurants in East Granby, CT


Contact us


3 Turkey Hills Rd,
East Granby , CT 06026 UNITED STATES


Green Leafs 860-413-3773
3 Turkey Hills Rd,
East Granby , CT 06026 UNITED STATES
Green Leafs 2

Based on 1 reviews

Green Leafs 860-413-3773
3 Turkey Hills Rd,
East Granby , CT 06026 UNITED STATES
2 5

hit or miss

This place used to be great,now its a hit or miss we wont be returning.When they first opened we would faithfully come in twice a week once during the week and once for breakfast sat mornings.The last time we went fully nailed the coffin...
posted at 02/01/11

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Green Leafs
2.0 (1 reviews)
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