Grand China Restrnt

Grand China Restrnt

Restaurants in Cincinnati, OH

Restaurants Caterers Chinese Restaurants

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6211 Glenway Ave.,
Cincinnati , OH 45211 UNITED STATES


Grand China Restrnt 513-662-9988
6211 Glenway Ave.,
Cincinnati , OH 45211 UNITED STATES
Grand China Restrnt 4

Based on 2 reviews

Grand China Restrnt 513-662-9988
6211 Glenway Ave.,
Cincinnati , OH 45211 UNITED STATES
4 5

restaurant review

My family loves this place. The Pina Colado's are especially good and they serve them in a nice tall glass with a piece of pineapple. It is also in a central location.
posted at 02/24/10
Grand China Restrnt 513-662-9988
6211 Glenway Ave.,
Cincinnati , OH 45211 UNITED STATES
4 5

restaurant review

My family loves this place. The Pina Colado's are especially good and they serve them in a nice tall glass with a piece of pineapple. It is also in a central location.
posted at 02/23/10

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Grand China Restrnt
4.0 (2 reviews)
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Grand China Restrnt

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