Gorge Automotive

Gorge Automotive

Auto Repair in Hood River, OR

Auto Repair

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1200 Industrial St.,
Hood River , OR 97031 UNITED STATES


Gorge Automotive 541-386-5030
1200 Industrial St.,
Hood River , OR 97031 UNITED STATES
Gorge Automotive 1

Based on 1 reviews

Gorge Automotive 541-386-5030
1200 Industrial St.,
Hood River , OR 97031 UNITED STATES
1 5


I needed my waterpump replaced and made an appointment with Dave to have it done at 8 AM. I waited until 9. People that knew him kind of laughed and said he works on his own timeline and I would be lucky if he showed up before noon. He...
posted at 07/14/11

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Gorge Automotive
Auto Repair
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