Goodyear Tire Auto Center

Goodyear Tire Auto Center

Auto Repair in Gardena, CA

Auto Repair

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1209 W 190th St.,
Gardena , CA 90248 UNITED STATES


Goodyear Tire Auto Center 310-327-8775
1209 W 190th St.,
Gardena , CA 90248 UNITED STATES
Goodyear Tire Auto Center 5

Based on 1 reviews

Goodyear Tire Auto Center 310-327-8775
1209 W 190th St.,
Gardena , CA 90248 UNITED STATES
5 5

Honest, dependable, and very reasonably priced!

Excellent shop that takes care of your auto needs. Very honest owners and mechanics who won't do work that your car doesn't need, and what they do is done right. What a relief to find these guys when this day in age honesty is hard to...
posted at 01/05/11

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Goodyear Tire Auto Center
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
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