Dr. Renata Rzazewska-Johnson, DDS

Dr. Renata Rzazewska-Johnson, DDS

Dentists in Glenview, IL


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2640 Valor Drive,
Glenview , IL 60026 UNITED STATES

About Dr. Renata Rzazewska-Johnson, DDS

Dr. Renata Rzazewska-Johnson is grateful to be a member of a profession that is dedicated to providing individualized care to our patients. She works closely with each patient to encourage good hygiene, compliance, and most of all, beautiful smiles!

Dr. Johnson received her Bachelor of Science in 1989 from the Medical Academy of Copernicus in Krakow, Poland. She graduated from Northwestern University Dental School in 1998 and was a recipient of the Paul W. Clopper Award for Outstanding Students. She completed her certificate in orthodontics at the University of Michigan, where she also earned her postdoctoral master’s degree in 2001. She opened her practice in Chicago and Glenview later that year.


Dr. Renata Rzazewska-Johnson, DDS 847-998-6262
2640 Valor Drive,
Glenview , IL 60026 UNITED STATES
Dr. Renata Rzazewska-Johnson, DDS

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Dr. Renata Rzazewska-Johnson, DDS

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