Gastrointestinal Specialists

Gastrointestinal Specialists

Doctors in Langhorne, PA


Contact us


825 Towne Center Drive, Suite 148
Langhorne , PA 19047 UNITED STATES

About Gastrointestinal Specialists

GI Specialists prides itself on delivering personalized, patient-oriented care. We strive to show courtesy, consideration, and excellent communication to everyone, both inpatients and outpatients. Whether you are coming as a new patient, for a follow-up or regularly scheduled visit, or to undergo an endoscopic procedure, we want you to feel not just expertly cared-for, but well-guided through the care process from start to finish.


Gastrointestinal Specialists 215-702-7090
825 Towne Center Drive, Suite 148
Langhorne , PA 19047 UNITED STATES
Gastrointestinal Specialists

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Gastrointestinal Specialists

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