Gannis Pizza

Gannis Pizza

Restaurants in Brooklyn, NY

Restaurants Pizza

Contact us


652 Myrtle Ave.,
Brooklyn , NY 11205 UNITED STATES


Gannis Pizza 718-254-9870
652 Myrtle Ave.,
Brooklyn , NY 11205 UNITED STATES
Gannis Pizza 5

Based on 1 reviews

Gannis Pizza 718-254-9870
652 Myrtle Ave.,
Brooklyn , NY 11205 UNITED STATES
5 5

Another great spot ..

This pizza is amazing, really the New York pizza . Crispy delicious dough, aromatic sauce and gooey cheese ! For a lazy night in or a sticky summer day you defiantly want to give them a call because they have a great menu .
posted at 03/18/10

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Gannis Pizza
5.0 (1 reviews)
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