Frank's Pizza & Subs

Frank's Pizza & Subs

Kosher Restaurants in Lexington, VA

Kosher Restaurants Pizza Italian Restaurants

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511 E Nelson St,
Lexington , VA 24450 UNITED STATES


Frank's Pizza & Subs 540-463-7575
511 E Nelson St,
Lexington , VA 24450 UNITED STATES
Frank's Pizza & Subs 3

Based on 3 reviews

Frank's Pizza & Subs 540-463-7575
511 E Nelson St,
Lexington , VA 24450 UNITED STATES
4 5

Scammers - Bait & Switch Pricing

Beware: Frank will charge you more than the menu price because he "gave you more shrimp." Then he will argue with you and curse at you. Instead of eating at Frank's, try one of the many comparable e...
posted at 01/05/10
Frank's Pizza & Subs 540-463-7575
511 E Nelson St,
Lexington , VA 24450 UNITED STATES
4 5

Bad Customer Service & Overcharging

The owner, manager, and waitstaff are extremely rude. We were charged more on our bill than the prices listed on the menu board for the items we had ordered. When we asked for this simple "mistake" ...
posted at 01/16/10
Frank's Pizza & Subs 540-463-7575
511 E Nelson St,
Lexington , VA 24450 UNITED STATES
1 5

Scammers - Bait & Switch Pricing

Beware: Frank will charge you more than the menu price because he "gave you more shrimp." Then he will argue with you and curse at you. Instead of eating at Frank's, try one of the many comparable establishments in the Lex/BV area that...
posted at 01/16/10

Detail information

Company name
Frank's Pizza & Subs
Kosher Restaurants
3.0 (3 reviews)
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Frank's Pizza & Subs

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