Dr. Frank Celenza - Orthodontics and Periodontics

Dr. Frank Celenza - Orthodontics and Periodontics

Dentists in New York, NY


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880 Fifth Avenue,
New York , NY 10021 UNITED STATES

About Dr. Frank Celenza - Orthodontics and Periodontics

If you would like to have a straight, stunning smile as well as strong, healthy gums, then our offices are the ones you will want to visit. We have orthodontic and periodontic practices in New York City and Scarsdale, New York, as well as Fair Lawn and Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. These offices are fully digital, and we use some of the latest technology available such as iTero® intraoral scanners. Our caring team members are focused on providing quality orthodontic and periodontic care for our patients, and we can also accommodate for those who speak Spanish. You can receive this quality care when you schedule a visit to one of our offices.


Dr. Frank Celenza - Orthodontics and Periodontics 212-327-2623
880 Fifth Avenue,
New York , NY 10021 UNITED STATES
Dr. Frank Celenza - Orthodontics and Periodontics

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Dr. Frank Celenza - Orthodontics and Periodontics

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