Fitzwater's Assisted Living

Fitzwater's Assisted Living

Elder Care in Fairmont, WV

Elder Care

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219 Locust Ave,
Fairmont , WV 26554 UNITED STATES

About Fitzwater's Assisted Living

Located in Fairmont, West Virginia, Fitzwater's Assisted Living is family owned and operated and offers the comfort and security of the family home; coupled with care and attention, lovingly provided by our expert staff. Our group activities encourage socialization among our residents, helping them to build lasting friendships. All of these combined enable our residents to keep and maintain overall good health and wellness.


Fitzwater's Assisted Living 304-363-1399
219 Locust Ave,
Fairmont , WV 26554 UNITED STATES
Fitzwater's Assisted Living

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Fitzwater's Assisted Living
Elder Care
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Fitzwater's Assisted Living

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