Firestone Complete Auto Care

Firestone Complete Auto Care

Auto Repair in Kaneohe, HI

Auto Repair Tires Construction Consulting and Management

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45-934 Kamehameha Hwy.,
Kaneohe , HI 96744 UNITED STATES


Firestone Complete Auto Care 808-247-7422
45-934 Kamehameha Hwy.,
Kaneohe , HI 96744 UNITED STATES
Firestone Complete Auto Care 1

Based on 2 reviews

Firestone Complete Auto Care 808-247-7422
45-934 Kamehameha Hwy.,
Kaneohe , HI 96744 UNITED STATES
1 5

sad a company would stoop to ripping people off

i hate to write a bad review about a company like firestone, but after many years, i had to write this. for many years, i would take my cars to firestone for a safety inspection, and i noticed a pattern. every two years, they would always...
posted at 08/05/11
Firestone Complete Auto Care 808-247-7422
45-934 Kamehameha Hwy.,
Kaneohe , HI 96744 UNITED STATES
1 5


Don't take your car here unless you have ALL day to wait. I took my car in for an oil change at 7:30am. They told me my car would be ready in 2 hours. My car wasn't ready until after 12 noon! This isn't the first time. If I didn't...
posted at 10/08/10

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Firestone Complete Auto Care
Auto Repair
1.0 (2 reviews)
auto body repairs,  fix car scratch,  japanese auto repair car mechanic
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Firestone Complete Auto Care

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